This is a pre-qualifier tournament.Teams must be registered and have their memberships paid in full by July 13, 2019 to be able to participate in this event.
Launching out of De Tour Village (A-17-003). Be sure to have all your safety equipment required for great lakes (flares, oil containment, etc.)
Be early to get registered, no later than 6:20 am.
Monitor channel 68.
The make-up date for this tournament will be the following day August 18, 2019 (Sunday).
There are no boundaries for this event. Anglers may fish anywhere accessible by boat/water.Teams may fish Canadian waters but will be subject to licensing requirements and rules that apply to Canada and international waters.
7:00 am just outside of the boat launch area.
3:00 pm just outside the boat launch area.
Do not bring in more than 5 fish to the weigh-in.Fish must be caught legally and be of legal size (minimum 15 inches).You may check with the weighmaster just prior to the start of the weigh-in to put them on the bump board and determine legal size.Once the weigh in has started teams presenting any fish for weigh in that are not of legal size by the call of tournament officials will have their entire catch disqualified.We are a catch and release club.Any fish caught during this tournament that are alive are to be released.
Northern Lakes Walleye Club
St. Mary’s River (Detour) Tournament
August 17, 2019 (Saturday)
Fact Sheet
This is a pre-qualifier tournament. Teams must be registered and have their memberships paid in full by July 13, 2019 to be able to participate in this event.
Launching out of De Tour Village (A-17-003). Be sure to have all your safety equipment required for great lakes (flares, oil containment, etc.)
Be early to get registered, no later than 6:20 am.
Monitor channel 68.
The make-up date for this tournament will be the following day August 18, 2019 (Sunday).
There are no boundaries for this event. Anglers may fish anywhere accessible by boat/water. Teams may fish Canadian waters but will be subject to licensing requirements and rules that apply to Canada and international waters.
7:00 am just outside of the boat launch area.
3:00 pm just outside the boat launch area.
Do not bring in more than 5 fish to the weigh-in. Fish must be caught legally and be of legal size (minimum 15 inches). You may check with the weighmaster just prior to the start of the weigh-in to put them on the bump board and determine legal size. Once the weigh in has started teams presenting any fish for weigh in that are not of legal size by the call of tournament officials will have their entire catch disqualified. We are a catch and release club. Any fish caught during this tournament that are alive are to be released.