Burt/Mullett Lakes May 21 (Sunday) Indian River
Saginaw Bay June 17 (Saturday) Eagle Bay Marina
Pre-qualifier, teams must be members and registered by May 21, 2017 to fish this event.
Lake Charlevoix July 16 (Sunday) Ironton
St. Mary’s River August 19 (Saturday) Barbeau
Pre-qualifier, teams must members and registered by July 16, 2017 to fish this event.
Inland Waterway September 30 (Saturday) Maple Bay Launch
All tournaments are 7:00am to 3:00pm. Please be there no later than
6:15 am to get registered.
These dates and locations are tentative and subject to change.
For more information visit us on Facebook or our website at northernlakeswalleyeclub.activeboard.com
Northern Lakes Walleye Club
2017 Tournament Schedule
Location Date Launch
Burt/Mullett Lakes May 21 (Sunday) Indian River
Saginaw Bay June 17 (Saturday) Eagle Bay Marina
Pre-qualifier, teams must be members and registered by May 21, 2017 to fish this event.
Lake Charlevoix July 16 (Sunday) Ironton
St. Mary’s River August 19 (Saturday) Barbeau
Pre-qualifier, teams must members and registered by July 16, 2017 to fish this event.
Inland Waterway September 30 (Saturday) Maple Bay Launch
All tournaments are 7:00am to 3:00pm. Please be there no later than
6:15 am to get registered.
These dates and locations are tentative and subject to change.
For more information visit us on Facebook or our website at northernlakeswalleyeclub.activeboard.com