All entrants will abide by the laws of the state of Michigan.
There is a three line maximum for all anglers.
Entrants must be willing to take a sworn statement that their fish was caught within the rules of the contest.
Entrants must personally catch any fish entered in this contest to be awarded a prize in this contest.
Registration begins at 6:00 a.m. at Maple Bay launch.Registration closes at 9:00 am at all sites.
You may weigh in as many fish as you want but only the top three heaviest walleye, the heaviest perch, and the heaviest other species will qualify for competition prizes.
Prizes for adult division; Heaviest Walleye 1st Place $300.00, 2nd Place $150.00, 3rdPlace $75.00, Heaviest Perch $150.00, Heaviest Other Species $150.00
Prizes for youth division (16 and under); Heaviest Walleye 1st Place $100.00, 2nd Place $50.00, 3rd Place $25.00,Heaviest Perch $50.00, Heaviest Other Species $50.00
Prize for the chance drawing; (open to everyone who weighs in a fish) is a Fish Trap Nanook
Youth only prize drawing is for an ice fishing package
All prizes will be awarded during the awards ceremony beginning at 3:00 pm (you must be present to win all drawings and raffles)
No contestant will be eligible for more than one competition prize.
Contestants must fish only on Burt Lake and any fish registered must come from Burt Lake and be caught between the hours of the tournament (7:00 am to 3:00 pm)
If there is a tie (in weight) in any category, then the winner will be determined by the length of fish.
All fish entered must be brought to the Maple Bay Launch Site to be weighed and measured.Fish must be kept fresh (keeping fish in cooler recommended).Fish that are frozen, badly deteriorated, or have been dead for a long period of time will not be accepted.
Times of the tournament are 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.All fish must be caught and weighed in by 3:00 p.m.(or in line to weigh-in by 3:00 pm)
Fish may be weighed in any time during tournament hours.
Contestants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times.
No spears allowed.Fish must be caught on hook and line.
Lake monitors shall have the right to inspect all containers and shanty’s before entering the lake and during the contest.
A leader board will be located at the Maple Bay Launch weight in site.
Each entrant agrees to hold the sponsors and organizers, their agents or employees harmless from any liability of any nature and kind for any injuries, and or damages or disagreements suffered by the entrant before, during, or after the contest is held.
An individual may enter by completing the entry form and signing it.When completed this contract is binding and party agrees to abide by the contest rules.
Photos and video taken at this event will be the property of the NLWC and may be displayed publicly.
FOR LEADER BOARD STANDINGS CALL:( 231) 818-2811 or (231) 330-0407
For tournament updates or tournament cancellation information:
ENTRY FEE $10.00
All entrants will abide by the laws of the state of Michigan.
There is a three line maximum for all anglers.
Entrants must be willing to take a sworn statement that their fish was caught within the rules of the contest.
Entrants must personally catch any fish entered in this contest to be awarded a prize in this contest.
Registration begins at 6:00 a.m. at Maple Bay launch. Registration closes at 9:00 am at all sites.
You may weigh in as many fish as you want but only the top three heaviest walleye, the heaviest perch, and the heaviest other species will qualify for competition prizes.
Prizes for adult division; Heaviest Walleye 1st Place $300.00, 2nd Place $150.00, 3rd Place $75.00, Heaviest Perch $150.00, Heaviest Other Species $150.00
Prizes for youth division (16 and under); Heaviest Walleye 1st Place $100.00, 2nd Place $50.00, 3rd Place $25.00, Heaviest Perch $50.00, Heaviest Other Species $50.00
Prize for the chance drawing; (open to everyone who weighs in a fish) is a Fish Trap Nanook
Youth only prize drawing is for an ice fishing package
All prizes will be awarded during the awards ceremony beginning at 3:00 pm (you must be present to win all drawings and raffles)
No contestant will be eligible for more than one competition prize.
Contestants must fish only on Burt Lake and any fish registered must come from Burt Lake and be caught between the hours of the tournament (7:00 am to 3:00 pm)
If there is a tie (in weight) in any category, then the winner will be determined by the length of fish.
All fish entered must be brought to the Maple Bay Launch Site to be weighed and measured. Fish must be kept fresh (keeping fish in cooler recommended). Fish that are frozen, badly deteriorated, or have been dead for a long period of time will not be accepted.
Times of the tournament are 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All fish must be caught and weighed in by 3:00 p.m. (or in line to weigh-in by 3:00 pm)
Fish may be weighed in any time during tournament hours.
Contestants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times.
No spears allowed. Fish must be caught on hook and line.
Lake monitors shall have the right to inspect all containers and shanty’s before entering the lake and during the contest.
A leader board will be located at the Maple Bay Launch weight in site.
Each entrant agrees to hold the sponsors and organizers, their agents or employees harmless from any liability of any nature and kind for any injuries, and or damages or disagreements suffered by the entrant before, during, or after the contest is held.
An individual may enter by completing the entry form and signing it. When completed this contract is binding and party agrees to abide by the contest rules.
Photos and video taken at this event will be the property of the NLWC and may be displayed publicly.
FOR LEADER BOARD STANDINGS CALL: ( 231) 818-2811 or (231) 330-0407
For tournament updates or tournament cancellation information: