Greetings fellow club members! I hope everyone is having a great summer. First of all, the club would like extend a big congratulations to the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Blaskowski. The wedding was indeed a great occasion and it was great to see so many NLWC members attend. After two tournaments we have an exciting points race going into our 3rd tournament. The club will again chase walleyes on the Saint Mary's River System blasting off out of Anne Osborn launch in Saute Ste. Marie on SATURDAY August 17, 2014 at 7:00 am. Please plan on showing up to launch site well in advance. We expect the possibility of a new team or two so please extend them a welcome. Our reschedule day will be the next day (Sunday) same time, same place. If you haven't already, consider making campground or motel reservation ASAP. A couple of locations club members have stayed in the past include:
Anne Osborne campground (906) 632-3268
Budget Host/Crestview Inn (906) 635-5213
Our tournament is open to all waters, however you must have a Canadian license for all aboard if you fish in Canadian waters at any time. If you cross into Canadian waters or merely cross the boundary line you are required to call customs and get clearance for everyone on your boat. The number is 888 226-7277. You will need to report the names, date of birth, citizenship, boat numbers, and have a passport or e license for everyone on your vessel. If you lack a passport or e license, you will need a drivers license and a birth certificate. When you call customs, they will provide you with a reference number you will need in case you are stopped. It is not uncommon to get checked by law enforcement from either Canada or the U.S. The Coast Guard and Customs are usually in full force as well. Make sure you have all your required safety equipment. In this area they commonly ask you to provide a hazardous material (gas or oil) collection device. A 5 gallon bucket and towels has sufficed in the past.
Greetings fellow club members! I hope everyone is having a great summer. First of all, the club would like extend a big congratulations to the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Blaskowski. The wedding was indeed a great occasion and it was great to see so many NLWC members attend. After two tournaments we have an exciting points race going into our 3rd tournament. The club will again chase walleyes on the Saint Mary's River System blasting off out of Anne Osborn launch in Saute Ste. Marie on SATURDAY August 17, 2014 at 7:00 am. Please plan on showing up to launch site well in advance. We expect the possibility of a new team or two so please extend them a welcome. Our reschedule day will be the next day (Sunday) same time, same place. If you haven't already, consider making campground or motel reservation ASAP. A couple of locations club members have stayed in the past include:
Anne Osborne campground (906) 632-3268
Budget Host/Crestview Inn (906) 635-5213
Our tournament is open to all waters, however you must have a Canadian license for all aboard if you fish in Canadian waters at any time. If you cross into Canadian waters or merely cross the boundary line you are required to call customs and get clearance for everyone on your boat. The number is 888 226-7277. You will need to report the names, date of birth, citizenship, boat numbers, and have a passport or e license for everyone on your vessel. If you lack a passport or e license, you will need a drivers license and a birth certificate. When you call customs, they will provide you with a reference number you will need in case you are stopped. It is not uncommon to get checked by law enforcement from either Canada or the U.S. The Coast Guard and Customs are usually in full force as well. Make sure you have all your required safety equipment. In this area they commonly ask you to provide a hazardous material (gas or oil) collection device. A 5 gallon bucket and towels has sufficed in the past.