The upcoming spring meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2014 at Maple BayMarine at 6:30 pm.The NLWC board will give club members the option ofmoving our tournaments to Sunday’s for “local” events.You must be present at the spring meeting to register a vote, so please attend if possible.We will be serving burgers and hotdogs.Now is the best time for recruitment of new teams for our club.Please consider inviting other anglers to our spring meeting who you think might be good future members.
The NLWC board made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Burt Lake Ice Fishing Tournament due to ice, weather, and fishing conditions.Thank you to all of our sponsors and anglers who planned on participating and we hope to put on a great event in 2015.
We still have two slots available to any teams interested for the 2014 Cabelas National Team Championship at Green Bay, WI on May 28-31.Please contact Mark Jacobs asap if you are interested.
Maple Bay Marine will host its 2014 Spring Boat Show on March 14 and 15.They are featuring special pricing, door prizes, refreshments, and guest speakers Lance Valentine and Mike Gofron.For more info check out
Northern Lakes Walleye Club
March 2014
2014 Board of Directors
President: Mark Jacobs
Vice President: John McDonald
Treasurer: Amber Bosch
Secretary: Kathy Godzick
Weighmaster: Doug Blaskowski
Trustee: Mike Saker
Trustee: Don Schlappi Sr.
2014 Tournament Schedule
May 17 or 18 Crooked/Pickeral Lake
June 7 or 8 Lake Charlevoix
August 16 St. Mary’s River
September 13 or 14 Mullett Lake
September 27 or 28 Inland Waterway
2014 Spring Meeting
The upcoming spring meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2014 at Maple Bay Marine at 6:30 pm. The NLWC board will give club members the option of moving our tournaments to Sunday’s for “local” events. You must be present at the spring meeting to register a vote, so please attend if possible. We will be serving burgers and hotdogs. Now is the best time for recruitment of new teams for our club. Please consider inviting other anglers to our spring meeting who you think might be good future members.
The NLWC board made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Burt Lake Ice Fishing Tournament due to ice, weather, and fishing conditions. Thank you to all of our sponsors and anglers who planned on participating and we hope to put on a great event in 2015.
We still have two slots available to any teams interested for the 2014 Cabelas National Team Championship at Green Bay, WI on May 28-31. Please contact Mark Jacobs asap if you are interested.
Maple Bay Marine will host its 2014 Spring Boat Show on March 14 and 15. They are featuring special pricing, door prizes, refreshments, and guest speakers Lance Valentine and Mike Gofron. For more info check out
John McDonald, Vice President