Has anyone been doing any ice fishing with any success?
Eyes Only said
Jan 3, 2014
Yes and no. I have only fished walloon once and it was a mess. 12" of snow and 6" of slush. Cought 3 dink perch and a 20" pike.
Don Schlappi said
Jan 3, 2014
going to check out burt lake tomorrow....
perchslayer123 said
Feb 24, 2014
is their still a ice fishing tournament on burt lake this year. ?????
J Mac said
Feb 25, 2014
The NLWC board has cancelled the 2014 Ice fishing Tournament at Burt Lake on March 1, 2014. We have removed sign-up forms and posters. Please help us spread the word. The extended ice and weather conditions, poor fishing reports, safety, and predicted low temps for this Saturday were all considerations.
lare said
Mar 16, 2014
Don Schlappi wrote:
Has anyone been doing any ice fishing with any success?
lare and clare out of wolverine went on mullet last wed same o slush and 8'' ice. 1 pike 1 large perch. was going to try last day of pike .too windy and cold so back to pan fish next week. how bout you..lare
Has anyone been doing any ice fishing with any success?
Yes and no. I have only fished walloon once and it was a mess. 12" of snow and 6" of slush. Cought 3 dink perch and a 20" pike.
is their still a ice fishing tournament on burt lake this year. ?????
The NLWC board has cancelled the 2014 Ice fishing Tournament at Burt Lake on March 1, 2014. We have removed sign-up forms and posters. Please help us spread the word. The extended ice and weather conditions, poor fishing reports, safety, and predicted low temps for this Saturday were all considerations.
lare and clare out of wolverine went on mullet last wed same o slush and 8'' ice. 1 pike 1 large perch. was going to try last day of pike .too windy and cold so back to pan fish next week. how bout you..lare
thankx for the refund lare and clare wolverine