Biggest Walleye: Dave Hickman and John Wilson 6.41 lbs
Sponsor Drawings:
Pat and Gary's Party Store Gift Certificate: Steve Wiltfong
Powerteam Lures T-Shirt: Jennifer Johnson
Team Captain and substitute partner rules change
At the Lake Charlevoix Tournament, the board announced a rules change regarding teams.Substitute partners for the NLWC season will now be required to become a member of the club for a fee of $25.00 upon their first tournament.This is to make sure we are following the guidelines of our insurance, and for future Cabelas NTC allocations.
In addition, each team will now specify a “Team Captain.”If future NTC allocations are allotted to that team, the Team Captain will be given the slots and may choose their future partner according to Cabelas NTC qualifying guidelines.
Bays DeNoc Tournament August 10, 2013
We hope you can join us for our travel tournament of the year on Bays De Noc launching out of the Escanaba River North Shore Boat Launch at 7:00 am.Please plan on arriving at 6:15 am or earlier for registration.Please note that the slot limit will be in effect and the weigh-master will be measuring fish to insure compliance.We will be following a 2 fish over 23 inches and 3 fish under 23 inches format.Teams following the youth program adding a third angler will also be allowed only two fish over 23 inches.If you are fishing alone, unfortunately you will only be allowed to bring one fish to the scales over 23 inches.Teams may fish anywhere accessible by water but will be limited to fishing Michigan waters.
Again we will attempt to run an optional side pot for a 2014 Cabelas NTC slot.All teams must be Walleye Federation Members, NLWC members, and pay the $50 dollar entry fee to be included in the side pot.We will need a minimum of ten teams to run a side pot tournament.You can register in advance on the Walleye Federation website or pay the morning of the tournament.
Directions:From highway 2/41/m35 drive east on Main St. (at Wells) for ½ mile to North 3rd St. Turn right for a short distance, then left back on to Main St.Continue on Main St. to 1st Street and go left.
Northern Lakes Walleye Club
July/August 2013 Newsletter
Congratulations to our Lake Charlevoix finalists:
1st Place: Dave Hickman and John Wilson 5 fish 22.59 lbs
2nd Place: Mark Jacobs and Todd Schryer 5 fish 14.44 lbs
3rd Place: Jeff Sydow and Dustin Saker 5 fish 13.06 lbs
4th Place: Anthony Taylor and Doug Blaskowski 5 fish 11.99 lbs
5th Place: Raliegh Goodspeed & Abbie Southwell 5 fish 11.24 lbs
Biggest Walleye: Dave Hickman and John Wilson 6.41 lbs
Sponsor Drawings:
Pat and Gary's Party Store Gift Certificate: Steve Wiltfong
Powerteam Lures T-Shirt: Jennifer Johnson
Team Captain and substitute partner rules change
At the Lake Charlevoix Tournament, the board announced a rules change regarding teams. Substitute partners for the NLWC season will now be required to become a member of the club for a fee of $25.00 upon their first tournament. This is to make sure we are following the guidelines of our insurance, and for future Cabelas NTC allocations.
In addition, each team will now specify a “Team Captain.” If future NTC allocations are allotted to that team, the Team Captain will be given the slots and may choose their future partner according to Cabelas NTC qualifying guidelines.
Bays DeNoc Tournament August 10, 2013
We hope you can join us for our travel tournament of the year on Bays De Noc launching out of the Escanaba River North Shore Boat Launch at 7:00 am. Please plan on arriving at 6:15 am or earlier for registration. Please note that the slot limit will be in effect and the weigh-master will be measuring fish to insure compliance. We will be following a 2 fish over 23 inches and 3 fish under 23 inches format. Teams following the youth program adding a third angler will also be allowed only two fish over 23 inches. If you are fishing alone, unfortunately you will only be allowed to bring one fish to the scales over 23 inches. Teams may fish anywhere accessible by water but will be limited to fishing Michigan waters.
Again we will attempt to run an optional side pot for a 2014 Cabelas NTC slot. All teams must be Walleye Federation Members, NLWC members, and pay the $50 dollar entry fee to be included in the side pot. We will need a minimum of ten teams to run a side pot tournament. You can register in advance on the Walleye Federation website or pay the morning of the tournament.
Directions: From highway 2/41/m35 drive east on Main St. (at Wells) for ½ mile to North 3rd St. Turn right for a short distance, then left back on to Main St. Continue on Main St. to 1st Street and go left.
John McDonald, President