Finally, it appears that spring has decided to show up in Northern Michigan and the ice and snow will be gone for the season!If you haven’t already, make sure to buy your fishing license.
Here is our schedule for the 2013 season with updated launch site locations:
Walloon LakeMay 18Jones Landing, Gruler Rd.
Lake CharlevoixJune 22Ironton
Bays De NocAugust 10Escanaba River
Black LakeSeptember 7Black River Marina
Inland WaterwaySeptember 28Maple Bay, Burt Lake
Thanks to all of you who attended our spring meeting at Maple Bay Marine earlier this month.The board announced several new changes for the 2013 season:
-Tournament fees will now be $30 per team and we will be paying 3 places.Fourth and fifth place teams will still be recognized and will receive sponsor prizes.The club will also offer an additional $100 check to the winning team.An optional side bet of $10 per team will be available for largest walleye of the tournament paid out at 100%.Points scoring for the season will remain unchanged.
-All teams will be required to pay a $50 membership fee regardless of how they placed last season.
-Through our Walleye Federation membership, we will be hosting optional side pot tournaments for paid spots to the Cabelas National Team Championship in 2014.Our “Cabelas NTC Qualifier” tournaments this year will be held side by side with our Lake Charlevoix and Bays De Noc tournaments.Attached is some information on how the format works.You must be a Walleye Federation Member ($40) to participate.Please contact me with any questions or to get you signed up as a Walleye Federation member.
Our current list of Walleye Federation members:
Rob JohnstonTWF #50250Todd SchryerTWF # 50245
Pat KeiserTWF #50248Dave TrudellTWF # 50254
Scott LandonTWF #50255Brad WarnerTWF # 50251
John McDonaldTWF #50244
Ken NierselTWF #50253
Todd NierselTWF #50252
Dustin SakerTWF #50247
Gail ScharffeeTWF #50246
Don Schlappi SRTWF #50249
I received an email today from the Walleye Federation regarding reallocation of left over NTC spots for the 2013 event at Sault Ste. Marie this August.The deadline for initial registration for the NTC ended May 1, 2013.Our club will be considered for additional spots.If additional spots are granted to us, we will begin contacting NLWC teams based the final season standings from last year beginning with the 2nd place team.We will need to confirm and register quickly!The entry is $400 and you will need to join the Walleye Federation.
Walloon Lake Tournament May 18, 2013
Our first tournament is right around the corner.Please plan on arriving at 6:15 am or earlier.Please note that we will be busy filling out membership forms in addition to tournament fees and that there is only one launch ramp at Jones Landing.Directions:
Jones Landing is located on East arm of Walloon Lake.Take US 131 south from Petoskey about 3 miles.Turn right on Gruler (sharp hairpin turn) and proceed 300 yards straight ahead to the boat launch.
Northern Lakes Walleye Club
April/May 2013 Newsletter
Finally, it appears that spring has decided to show up in Northern Michigan and the ice and snow will be gone for the season! If you haven’t already, make sure to buy your fishing license.
Here is our schedule for the 2013 season with updated launch site locations:
Location Date Launch
Walloon Lake May 18 Jones Landing, Gruler Rd.
Lake Charlevoix June 22 Ironton
Bays De Noc August 10 Escanaba River
Black Lake September 7 Black River Marina
Inland Waterway September 28 Maple Bay, Burt Lake
Thanks to all of you who attended our spring meeting at Maple Bay Marine earlier this month. The board announced several new changes for the 2013 season:
-Tournament fees will now be $30 per team and we will be paying 3 places. Fourth and fifth place teams will still be recognized and will receive sponsor prizes. The club will also offer an additional $100 check to the winning team. An optional side bet of $10 per team will be available for largest walleye of the tournament paid out at 100%. Points scoring for the season will remain unchanged.
-All teams will be required to pay a $50 membership fee regardless of how they placed last season.
-Through our Walleye Federation membership, we will be hosting optional side pot tournaments for paid spots to the Cabelas National Team Championship in 2014. Our “Cabelas NTC Qualifier” tournaments this year will be held side by side with our Lake Charlevoix and Bays De Noc tournaments. Attached is some information on how the format works. You must be a Walleye Federation Member ($40) to participate. Please contact me with any questions or to get you signed up as a Walleye Federation member.
Our current list of Walleye Federation members:
Rob Johnston TWF # 50250 Todd Schryer TWF # 50245
Pat Keiser TWF # 50248 Dave Trudell TWF # 50254
Scott Landon TWF # 50255 Brad Warner TWF # 50251
John McDonald TWF # 50244
Ken Niersel TWF # 50253
Todd Niersel TWF # 50252
Dustin Saker TWF # 50247
Gail Scharffee TWF # 50246
Don Schlappi SR TWF # 50249
I received an email today from the Walleye Federation regarding reallocation of left over NTC spots for the 2013 event at Sault Ste. Marie this August. The deadline for initial registration for the NTC ended May 1, 2013. Our club will be considered for additional spots. If additional spots are granted to us, we will begin contacting NLWC teams based the final season standings from last year beginning with the 2nd place team. We will need to confirm and register quickly! The entry is $400 and you will need to join the Walleye Federation.
Walloon Lake Tournament May 18, 2013
Our first tournament is right around the corner. Please plan on arriving at 6:15 am or earlier. Please note that we will be busy filling out membership forms in addition to tournament fees and that there is only one launch ramp at Jones Landing. Directions:
Jones Landing is located on East arm of Walloon Lake. Take US 131 south from Petoskey about 3 miles. Turn right on Gruler (sharp hairpin turn) and proceed 300 yards straight ahead to the boat launch.
John McDonald, President