Fished Burt and Crooked yesterday. All fish came from 40+ fow. Also a pile of whitefish in front of the pier in Charlevoix. Been catching them fishing for lakers. No salmon yet that I know of.
Yooperyote said
Jun 26, 2011
Also caught a tagged fish on Crooked.
Burnmtndog said
Jun 27, 2011
Nice report...Sounds like a good time with a mixed bag.. Any word on the Herring bite up your way?
Yooperyote said
Jun 27, 2011
Haven't heard anything on herring yet. Fishing is really slow right now that's why I went down state. There was a walleye tournament here about ten days ago winners had over 20 pounds all fish coming from the Drummond Island area. Water temps are still 55 to 58 degrees in the channel.
J Mac said
Jun 27, 2011
Thanks for the reports. Those whitefish, did you get them trolling or Spoondaddy style?
Yooperyote said
Jun 28, 2011
Whitefish have been caught trolling cowbells and peanuts, SpoonDaddy's getting them off the pier in his usual fashion.
Fished Burt and Crooked yesterday. All fish came from 40+ fow. Also a pile of whitefish in front of the pier in Charlevoix. Been catching them fishing for lakers. No salmon yet that I know of.
Nice report...Sounds like a good time with a mixed bag.. Any word on the Herring bite up your way?
Thanks for the reports. Those whitefish, did you get them trolling or Spoondaddy style?
Whitefish have been caught trolling cowbells and peanuts, SpoonDaddy's getting them off the pier in his usual fashion.