Date: July 16th $40.00 entry paying top three teams + Big fish pool. Side bets are welcome...
Where: Burt Lake SP Launch
When: 7-3
Please post your team through this thread...
Mark Jacobs & John George
Pete Studders & Mike Jurik
-- Edited by Burnmtndog on Monday 20th of June 2011 12:18:23 PM
Yooperyote said
Jun 21, 2011
Rick Warner & (Brian Warner?)
Will fish alone if no partner.
Burnmtndog said
Jul 6, 2011
Let's go guys....Drop your name in the hat...
rjohnston said
Jul 6, 2011
rob johnston & todd niersel
Yooperyote said
Jul 11, 2011
Maybe some phone calls are in order. Trying to get some people from up here but no takers yet.
Burnmtndog said
Jul 12, 2011
I'm making a few calls this am to firm up the number.
rjohnston said
Jul 13, 2011
Mark, john asked if todd and i would bring the scales, yes that would be no problem, see you on saturday, rob.
Yooperyote said
Jul 13, 2011
How many teams do we have fishing?
Burnmtndog said
Jul 14, 2011
Yooperyote wrote:
How many teams do we have fishing?
Only three confirmed.....Looks like a bust! I'll be at the dock to fish anyway, so if there happens to be a few boats there we can make the call then. Fished last friday, saturday, and sunday with some pretty good success...
Date: July 16th $40.00 entry paying top three teams + Big fish pool. Side bets are welcome...
Where: Burt Lake SP Launch
When: 7-3
Please post your team through this thread...
Mark Jacobs & John George
Pete Studders & Mike Jurik
-- Edited by Burnmtndog on Monday 20th of June 2011 12:18:23 PM
Will fish alone if no partner.
rob johnston & todd niersel
Mark, john asked if todd and i would bring the scales, yes that would be no problem, see you on saturday, rob.
Only three confirmed.....Looks like a bust! I'll be at the dock to fish anyway, so if there happens to be a few boats there we can make the call then. Fished last friday, saturday, and sunday with some pretty good success...
Rob- Please bring the scale along just in case.