Seth Herbst and Ryan MacWilliams are researchers from Michigan State University that are participating in the Inland Waterway Walleye project and they will be investigating to determine how successful the walleye are producing fry (baby walleyes) after spawning in the Waterway. They will be setting traps to catch the newly hatched walleye to establish if the spawning activity of the adults was successful. Just because several adults appear on the spawning ground there is no assurance the fish are producing good numbers of hatched fish that are surviving to a larger size.
Seth and Ryan need your assistance and if you are familiar with any locations in the Waterway where walleye have been observed spawning over the years please contact them or me. This will greatly assist in determining if there are conditions in the lakes that are inhibiting good survival of the young walleye. Our contact information is below.
Members and Others:
Seth Herbst and Ryan MacWilliams are researchers from Michigan State University that are participating in the Inland Waterway Walleye project and they will be investigating to determine how successful the walleye are producing fry (baby walleyes) after spawning in the Waterway. They will be setting traps to catch the newly hatched walleye to establish if the spawning activity of the adults was successful. Just because several adults appear on the spawning ground there is no assurance the fish are producing good numbers of hatched fish that are surviving to a larger size.
Seth and Ryan need your assistance and if you are familiar with any locations in the Waterway where walleye have been observed spawning over the years please contact them or me. This will greatly assist in determining if there are conditions in the lakes that are inhibiting good survival of the young walleye. Our contact information is below.
Seth Herbst Phone 920 540-4199 and email
Ryan MacWilliams Phone 248 884-4737 and email
Frank Krist Email Phone 989 734-3100 or 989 351-2053
Chair of the Northern Inland Lakes Citizens Fishery Advisory Committee