Contacts: Neal Godby 989-732-3541, ext. 5071 or Mary Dettloff 517-335-3014
Draft Cheboygan River Assessment Released for Public Review
A comprehensive report outlining the physical and biological characteristics and activities associated with the Cheboygan River watershed is now available for public review. The Cheboygan River Assessment is one in a series of river assessments being prepared by the Fisheries Division of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE).
To ensure that all those with interest have an opportunity to learn about the study and provide comments, a public meeting will take place at the Tuscarora Township Hall in Indian River at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23. The hall is located at 3546 S. Straits Hwy.
Public review and comment is an important part of the river assessment process. The public comments will be incorporated into the final document, which will guide management of the watershed for many years. Currently, the document is posted on the DNRE Fisheries Division website, at, then click on Public Input and Review.
The draft Cheboygan River Assessment discusses the watershed’s geography, history, geology, hydrology, soils and land use, channel morphology, dams and barriers, water quality, and fisheries management, among other aspects of the watershed. Management options are also presented in the assessment, which will be drawn upon for the development of a watershed management plan in the future.
The intent of the meeting is to receive public feedback on the draft assessment and proposed management options for the watershed. Public comment will be received until March 11, 2011. The river assessment will be used by the Fisheries Division and by other agencies and organizations to develop a management plan and actions for the river.
For more information, contact Neal Godby at 989-732-3541, ext. 5071. Comments on the assessment should be sent to
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is committed to the conservation, protection, management, and accessible use and enjoyment of the state's environment, natural resources, and related economic interests for current and future generations. Learn more at
Feb. 14, 2011
Contacts: Neal Godby 989-732-3541, ext. 5071 or Mary Dettloff 517-335-3014
Draft Cheboygan River Assessment Released for Public Review
A comprehensive report outlining the physical and biological characteristics and activities associated with the Cheboygan River watershed is now available for public review. The Cheboygan River Assessment is one in a series of river assessments being prepared by the Fisheries Division of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE).
To ensure that all those with interest have an opportunity to learn about the study and provide comments, a public meeting will take place at the Tuscarora Township Hall in Indian River at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23. The hall is located at 3546 S. Straits Hwy.
Public review and comment is an important part of the river assessment process. The public comments will be incorporated into the final document, which will guide management of the watershed for many years. Currently, the document is posted on the DNRE Fisheries Division website, at, then click on Public Input and Review.
The draft Cheboygan River Assessment discusses the watershed’s geography, history, geology, hydrology, soils and land use, channel morphology, dams and barriers, water quality, and fisheries management, among other aspects of the watershed. Management options are also presented in the assessment, which will be drawn upon for the development of a watershed management plan in the future.
The intent of the meeting is to receive public feedback on the draft assessment and proposed management options for the watershed. Public comment will be received until March 11, 2011. The river assessment will be used by the Fisheries Division and by other agencies and organizations to develop a management plan and actions for the river.
For more information, contact Neal Godby at 989-732-3541, ext. 5071. Comments on the assessment should be sent to
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is committed to the conservation, protection, management, and accessible use and enjoyment of the state's environment, natural resources, and related economic interests for current and future generations. Learn more at