In 2011 the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University will be conducting a comprehensive survey of the walleye populations throughout the Inland Waterway. The main objectives of the project are to estimate population size, growth rates, age structure, movement, and reproductive success of walleye in the Inland Waterway. The survey will begin in the early spring when intensive netting and electrofishing will take place. We will tag and release adult walleye (around 13”+) and will track recoveries of tagged fish with angler interviews and by voluntary tag returns. We will also collect walleye spine samples to determine fish ages. In addition to the spring survey, we will be conducting work throughout the spring and summer with a variety of collection gears in the lakes and tributaries. In addition, MDNRE will be conducting a summer gill-net survey targeting lake sturgeon in Burt Lake.
Fish are marked with a metal jaw tag (see photo below) that will have an address and tag number. Approximately ½ of tags are denoted as having a monetary reward ($10). If you catch a tagged fish, please fill out a tag return form (provided at access sites) and either send it to the address given, give it to an MDNRE or MSU representative, or you may complete a form on-line ( If you release the fish, please remove the tag. Letters will be sent to anglers detailing information about the tagged fish. We also ask for angler’s assistance in providing information to the sampling crews that will be working on the lakes throughout the year. The information they collect is essential for making accurate estimates of population size and movement. Your participation is appreciated and will help in future management.
For more information please contact:
Tim Cwalinski, MDNRE Fisheries Biologist-Gaylord, 989-732-3541 x5072,
Dan Hayes, MSU Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 517-432-3781,
Patrick Hanchin, MDNRE Fisheries Biologist-Charlevoix, 231-547-2914 x227,
Very cool.....I caught a tagged fish two years ago in Burt, The fish was originally tagged in 2001. When tagged itmeasured 15 1/2", when caught it was 20 1/2". Growth rate of 1/2" per year, I'd say we have a world class fishey in our back yards..Let's do what we can to preserve this jewel.
In 2011 the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University will be conducting a comprehensive survey of the walleye populations throughout the Inland Waterway. The main objectives of the project are to estimate population size, growth rates, age structure, movement, and reproductive success of walleye in the Inland Waterway. The survey will begin in the early spring when intensive netting and electrofishing will take place. We will tag and release adult walleye (around 13”+) and will track recoveries of tagged fish with angler interviews and by voluntary tag returns. We will also collect walleye spine samples to determine fish ages. In addition to the spring survey, we will be conducting work throughout the spring and summer with a variety of collection gears in the lakes and tributaries. In addition, MDNRE will be conducting a summer gill-net survey targeting lake sturgeon in Burt Lake.
Fish are marked with a metal jaw tag (see photo below) that will have an address and tag number. Approximately ½ of tags are denoted as having a monetary reward ($10). If you catch a tagged fish, please fill out a tag return form (provided at access sites) and either send it to the address given, give it to an MDNRE or MSU representative, or you may complete a form on-line ( If you release the fish, please remove the tag. Letters will be sent to anglers detailing information about the tagged fish. We also ask for angler’s assistance in providing information to the sampling crews that will be working on the lakes throughout the year. The information they collect is essential for making accurate estimates of population size and movement. Your participation is appreciated and will help in future management.
For more information please contact:
Tim Cwalinski, MDNRE Fisheries Biologist-Gaylord, 989-732-3541 x5072,
Dan Hayes, MSU Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 517-432-3781,
Patrick Hanchin, MDNRE Fisheries Biologist-Charlevoix, 231-547-2914 x227,