Four of us put over 60 eyes on the ice last week. Some up to 9 pounds.
Big Daddy said
Jan 22, 2011
That is awesome. How much ice is up there?
Yooperyote said
Jan 24, 2011
Ice conditions vary, I stayed in shallow there was about 18 inches, drove my truck out.
Burnmtndog said
Jan 24, 2011
Well done! I heard the bite was fairly steady "UP" there. I have a few friends heading in your direction this weekend for a tourny, hopefully they land on the fish...
T-BONE said
Jan 24, 2011
Nice work!! I heard you guys killed them up there this fall. Did you get in on any of that?
lakertakerduece said
Jan 26, 2011
Sitting in 3.6 ft of water fishin for eyes thinkin to myself work might be more fun than this! I gotta lot to learn about this shallow water.
Yooperyote said
Jan 27, 2011
I hate fishing out there in that shallow stuff but it can be great at times. It.s worse when the ice is two feet thick and there is only a foot of water under it. Yes the fish are still in there.
Yooperyote said
Jan 27, 2011
Caught alot of nice fish during deer season.
lakertakerduece said
Jan 27, 2011
Well i followed the tree line out aways and veered off to some 4 ft marks on gps and had to cut lotta holes to find 3.6 fow. Tons of ice sure makes it hard jiggin did get a nice pike and uncle iced a 6 lb eye. Yote is that group that fishes around the 45 ft hole gettin big numbers of fish cause there sure was a row of shacks there.
Yooperyote said
Jan 27, 2011
not lots of numbers but big fish, fish the edge in about 20 to 25 feet, thats real close to the channel so watch the ice!!!!!!!!!!
lakertakerduece said
Jan 27, 2011
I fished in for about two hrs id say 1pm to 3 and marked one good like the set-up on all the shacks with the big skis just flip em over and move pretty sweet deal. Lotta guys comin out as we left assumin its a nite bite area diffentley some current through there
Yooperyote said
Jan 27, 2011
been doing well from 8 am to about 11 don't know much about the evening I work afternoons. Alot of my friends will be out there I'll let ya know whats up. Where you guys stayin.
lakertakerduece said
Jan 27, 2011
We just traveled up from cheb. In early mornin left at 445 and were fishin at 6 so if i go back id just travel up early morn. Again not to bad of a ride keep me posted
Yooperyote said
Jan 27, 2011
I see, thought maybe you guys were fishing the derby.
lakertakerduece said
Jan 28, 2011
After my performance wednesday thats a BIG negative
Burnmtndog said
Jan 28, 2011
lakertakerduece wrote:
After my performance wednesday thats a BIG negative
Thats your typical performance..
lakertakerduece said
Jan 28, 2011
Hey burnmtndog a wise man once told T-bone "you know todd sometimes its better to know where the fish arent than where the fish are" i really took to this sayin and what im doin is just slowly eliminating areas where fish could be. One of these weekends ill be callin ya askin for a hand pullin all the fish up, just wait IT WILL HAPPEN! Good luck on sag bay, should be hittin the shiver see if any Of ur luck still hangin with ya
T-BONE said
Jan 29, 2011
I have heard a lot of stupid things in my life but that one takes the prize so far. I thought about that one for a long time and can make zero sense out of it. Laker Taker is not making that up, 100% true.
Burnmtndog said
Jan 31, 2011
I'd certainly appreciate a call when you land on the mother load...After all, That's how I roll on game day...I simply look for that Green Lund and follow him and his woman around...
T-BONE said
Feb 2, 2011
That's funny... that is the same thing I do, follow that 50 Merc, funny we aren't fishing in circles most times. Good luck this weeknend. We will be out for the sturge on Black.
I have heard a lot of stupid things in my life but that one takes the prize so far. I thought about that one for a long time and can make zero sense out of it. Laker Taker is not making that up, 100% true.
I'd certainly appreciate a call when you land on the mother load...After all, That's how I roll on game day...I simply look for that Green Lund and follow him and his woman around...
That's funny... that is the same thing I do, follow that 50 Merc, funny we aren't fishing in circles most times. Good luck this weeknend. We will be out for the sturge on Black.