Had a great Muzzel loading camp this year. Two of the guys (emerson biggins and Spook Saker) shot a couple of deer. Spook taught us that hanging a gallon of milk upside down in a tree will bring some of the tenderest meat.
emersonbegins said
Jan 3, 2011
The jerky sure does taste good.
J Mac said
Jan 3, 2011
Geez...I was hoping that muzzle loader you took home at the banquet would drop one this year.
Dustin Saker said
Jan 4, 2011
I sense a little jealosy.
Big Daddy said
Jan 4, 2011
Jealousy? Really? Come on Spook, after you and Emerson shot that little fawn and mother doe, I figured I better not shoot the Buck.
emersonbigins said
Jan 5, 2011
We had to change your account because we spelled it wrong.
emersonbigins said
Jan 5, 2011
The deer from Big Daddy's camp sure do taste good. Thanks Big Daddy
I sense a little jealosy.