NLWC 2014 Top Ten Teams Final Results
1st Place: Mark Jacobs and Todd Schryer 118 2nd Place: Mike Saker and Jim Parrot 103 3rd Place: Anthony Taylor and Doug Blaskowski 92 4th Place: Jeff Sydow and Dustin Saker 91 5th Place: Gail/Gail Scharfee and Mike Small 90 6th Pla...
J Mac
Inland Waterway Results
Saker and Parrot Victorious on the Inland Waterway 1st Place: Mike Sake and Jim Parrot 5 fish, 11.04 lbs 2nd Place: Jeff Sydow and Dustin Saker 5 fish, 10.44 lbs 3rd Place: Mark Jacobs and Todd Schryer 5 fish, 9.74 lbs 4th Place: Mike and Griffen Land...
J Mac
Mullett Lake Results
Taylor and Blaskowski Win NLWC at Mullett Lake 1st Place: Anthony Taylor and Doug Blaskowski 5 fish, 12.01 lbs. 2nd Place: Todd and Ken Niersel (Spencer sub) 5 fish, 11.85 lbs. 3rd Place: Mark Jacobs and Todd Schryer 5 fish, 9.80 lbs. 4th Place: Tim and Kyle Putman/...
J Mac
Sault Ste. Marie Results
Wallis and Laitinen Win NLWC at the Soo The team of Craig Wallis and Matt Laitinen took top honors in Sault Ste. Marie winning with the largest basket of 16.76 pounds. Here are top finishers of the event: Craig Wallis and Matt Laitinen 5 fish, 16.76 lbs. Mark Jacobs and Todd Schryer ...
J Mac
Lake Charlevoix Results
Team Schlappi cull their way to victory at Lake Charlevoix1st Place: Don Sr. and Don Jr. Schlappi 5 fish, 20.65 lbs.2nd Place: Mark Scott and Mike Ford 5 fish, 18.20 lbs.3rd Place: Jeff Sydow and Dustin Saker 5 fish, 14.94 lbs.4th Place: John McDonald and Pat Keiser 4 fish, 14....
J Mac
Crooked/Pickeral Lakes
Team Scharfee Wins NLWC Crooked/Pickeral Lakes2014 Crooked/Pickeral Results 1st Place: Gail II and Gail III Scharfee 5 fish, 10.18 lbs.2ndPlace: Mark Jacobs and Todd Schryer 3 fish, 6.05 lbs.3rd Place: Mike Saker and Jim Parrot 2 fish, 5.22 lbs.4th Place: John McDonald and Pat Keis...
J Mac